Each year we take pause as a company to reflect on where we’ve come, where were headed, and how we plan to get there. We use similar metrics to measure success as I would suspect most companies do; financial reports, client retention, and growth. This information is easily quantifiable, but we don’t think it tells the whole story. What about satisfaction, quality, and a measurement of value our services bring to our clients? What about our community and our team? How can we be difference makers where we live and work? These are difficult to quantify, but we think it’s worth the effort to try.

So, moving forward in 2017, we met and set goals and discussed numbers, but we also talked a lot about the impact we want to make in our relationships with our partners, our team, and our community. Here’s how:



If you Partner with us, expect continued improvement in communication and day-to-day processes.

We successfully implemented several new systems in 2016 (see new systems here). As with any new processes or system, there is always a learning curve in the change effort. We worked hard to make the transition smooth, and now are fully realizing the benefits and key functionality of these implementations.

We also will continually work to improve communication. We will be asking consistently for feedback and input from our partners and have set processes for better response times, and a more consistent follow-up system.



Our T7 team grew in 2016, and not just in numbers. Our team dynamic is set up with people in mind, not positions. This has allowed team members to take their role and expand it based on their skills and life goals. Check out our team bios here.

We will work to provide our team with two new opportunities in 2017:

Growth – We will offer company-sponsored technical certifications and training that will allow for continued improvements in an ever-changing business environment.

Rest – Our work is fast-paced and often stressful. We plan to recharge as a team with weekly breakfast staff meetings and quarterly outings geared toward restoration and fun and chosen by the team.



We love the communities we work and live in and want to make a lasting impact with our time, talent, and financial resources.

This year, we have begun the practice of letting our team help drive community focus as they bring events, non-profit organizations, and causes that are important to them to our planning meetings.

We will also continue to support other local businesses not only with our patronage, but by sharing their stories and accolades through social media and our monthly newsletter.

Here are a few great events and organizations we plan to support in 2017

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At the end of the day, these goals are only as good as their application which is one reason we share them with each of you – accountability. We won’t always get it right, but we look forward to the journey of trying.



Steve Calicott