4 Key Steps to Prevent Cyber Insurance Claim Denials in the Carolinas

4 Key Steps to Prevent Cyber Insurance Claim Denials in the Carolinas In today’s digital age, businesses in the Carolinas are recognizing the critical importance of cyber insurance as a safeguard against the increasing threat of cyberattacks. However, it’s not enough to just have a policy in place. To ensure that your cyber insurance claim…

PCI-DSS Compliance – What You Need to Know

For the past year, numerous organizations fought to keep their personal data protected from cyberthreats while they hurried to adapt to pandemic-focused shifts in operations and workforce. As cybercrime continues to grow more common, so does the sophistication and quantity of cyberattacks. A Statista report shows that there were over 300 million ransomware attacks in…

4 Myths You Need to Know About Data Backup

People generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day.[1] That’s a consequential amount of information. So, failing to adapt with the ever-changing threat landscape may wipe your share of this data instantaneously. Ransomware more than doubled in frequency in the past year, making up 10% of confirmed breaches.[2] You don’t need to panic even though…

What You Need to Know if Your Business is Attacked by Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. This probably isn’t a shock to you, but these numbers might leave you surprised. There were approximately 300 million ransomware attacks globally in 2020 alone.[1] As attacks increase, hackers are demanding even higher ransomware payments. Projections estimate that the annual global cost of ransomware attacks will reach $20 billion…

Is Your Business Data 100% Recoverable?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term Disaster Recovery (DR) has received a lot of attention. Most small businesses and companies have realized the importance of being able to bounce back quickly from a disruptive cyber security event. In 2020, about 80% of small businesses reported having an actionable recovery plan in place.1…